an informal get-together for graduate students at Berkeley who are interested in systems.
Once a week, we meet over lunch and listen to a fellow student present their research. It's a great way of getting talk feedback from a friendly audience of your peers, and also a great way of learning about what everyone else in the department is up to.
Even though it's called systems lunch, we've also heard talks from other areas (e.g. database, architecture, networks). Basically, if you think people would be interested, sign up to give a talk!
For the spring 2013 semester, we've scheduled 380 Soda from 12PM-1PM on Mondays.
Sign up for the syslunch email list at Watch the schedule and email list for talk announcements.
If you'd like to give a talk, email the current syslunch czar Aurojit Panda (apanda at cs)
Andrew Wang (awang at eecs).
You can also help by ordering food. This is as easy as making a phone call and then letting the caterers into the room.
We'd like to thank Prof. Ion Stoica and Prof. Scott Shenker for sponsoring systems lunch.
We're almost always in need of speakers. It's a great way of practicing for a conference or quals talk, or even if you just want some feedback on preliminary research ideas.
If you see a free slot and would like to present, email a syslunch czar!
Even if you aren't ready to give a talk, you can help out by volunteering to organize food. It's really not hard, and it's an essential duty since we can't have syslunch without lunch.
There are two choices of where to order from, depending on some linear combination of your food preference and level of effort.
The following restaurants will send you an invoice if you mention "UC Berkeley". Tell them to use the RAD Lab account, and to put "systems lunch" on the invoice.
After that, it's actually easiest for everyone if you just forward the invoice to the current syslunch czar, who can do the paperwork for you. If you really want to do it yourself, the procedure is very similar to what's below.
If you want to order from your favorite restaurant not on this list, you can charge it to your credit card and then go through the ERSO reimbursement process. It's basically just paperwork.